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Emissions > Musicales > My Generation > My Generation

My Generation

Tous les lundis à 20h30.

Production : Chris McGregor

MY GENERATION is a show, mainly in English, for adults of my age, as we were blessed with the best music. It features the music that we grew up with in the 50s right through to the present day. There’s a mixture of pop, rock, rock ,n, roll, blues, RnB, grunge and metal. You’ll hear classic tracks, rare songs from well known artists and few artists you’ve never heard before.

If it’s not a great track I don’t play it !

If you don’t like one song, you’ll love the next one.

24.09.09 MYGEN 436 - WILD -
24.09.02 MYGEN 435 - SPACE -
16.05.30 MYGEN - HOME (Redif)
16.05.23 MYGEN - PEOPLE (Redif)
16.05.16 MYGEN - WORLD (Redif)
16.05.09 MYGEN - OPTIMISM 2 (Redif)
16.05.02 MYGEN - OPTIMISM (Redif)
16.04.25 MYGEN - COW BOY & INDIANS (Redif)
16.04.18 MYGEN - POST (Redif)
24.07.08 MYGEN 434 - BAD -
24.07.01 MYGEN 433 - GOOD -
24.06.17 MYGEN 432 - GAME -
24.06.10 MYGEN 431 - CHAINS -
24.06.03 MYGEN 430 - BABE -
24.05.27 MYGEN 429 - BABY -
24.05.20 MYGEN 428 - FUNK -
24.05.13 MYGEN 427 - WORLD TOUR 2 -
24.05.06 MYGEN 426 - WORLD TOUR -
24.04.29 MYGEN 425 - HOUSE -
24.04.22 MYGEN 424 - SHOUT -
24.04.15 MYGEN 423 - LOVE HURTS -
24.04.08 MYGEN 422 - JOY OF LOVE -
24.04.01 MYGEN 421 - ALPHABET 2 -
24.03.25 MYGEN 420 - ALPHABET 1
24.03.18 MYGEN 419 - WOMAN 2 -
24.03.11 MYGEN 418 - WOMAN -
24.03.04 MYGEN 417 - SONGS -
24.02.26 MYGEN 416 - FRIENDS -
24.02.05 MYGEN 413 - TOYS AND GAMES -
24.01.29 MYGEN 412 - COFFEE THEME -
24.01.22 MYGEN 411 - CRAZY -
24.01.15 MYGEN 410 - POSTHUMOUS HITS -
24.01.08 MYGEN 409 - SEX APPEAL -
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